FYC Digital Campaign
Showcasing the cast along with the story’s emotional stakes by highlighting impactful quotes from prestigious sources. A series of digital executions will lead to a microsite that showcases a large, interactive video, quotes, and unit photography. Revealing the cast of this incredible show expressed through cinematic images, bold graphics, and iconography related to the FBI and CIA.
Back up statics.
These banners ensures that whenever an impression is supposed to be served for a campaign, it will be served.
Style Frames 300x600 and 300x250
Initial flow of the nominated category and the named actor.
Full Take Over
Nominated category and named actor.
Style Frames for web trailer
This video cut was used for reach media as the central piece of the the full takeover.
Social Media Skins
Social skins for desktop and mobile were design considering safe areas stipulated from the vendors. The challenge is that only one asset is used for both platforms so it needs to be legible at all instances.
Social Media Post
Series of social media posts for Instagram